S. Makit Singh Bhullar’s Furniture Shop was completely burnt on the night of Diwali & all turned in ashes. Being a life time member, he approached MJS Ramgarhia Sikh Welfare Forum for support & wasn’t disappointed.
By the Grace of WAHEGURU ji, the forum extended the support by a small contribution of INR 50,000.00 to help his business revival. In return, on goodwill gesture, Malkit Singh assured his best support in the Forum’s future endevours.
The only purpose of highlighting this info is to encourage our capable Sikh brothers to extend their supports to their brothers & sisters in need at difficult times.
Forum’s members present were –
a) S. Manohar Singh Nagi (President), S. Balwinder Singh Saggu (Vice President), S. Balwinder Singh Ply (Vice President), S. Amarjit Singh Shergill (Co-Treasurer), S. Balkit Singh Virdi (Exec. Member)